Happy Friday Everyone!
We are so excited to be sharing this super easy DIY kids activity with you. This activity is great practice for speech as well as fine motor skills. As always, we’ve tried and tested this activity with the toughest little critics.
For this DIY you will need:
- Printer paper
- Coloured printer
- Scissors and/or safety scissors
- Stick on velcro (optional)
- Laminator and laminating sheets (optional)
- Stickers with flowers/birds/outdoor items (optional)
Start by printing out the activity pdf. below.
Once you have printed it out, set aside the “landscape” page and “completed house” page. You can choose to laminate these if you wish so that this activity can be played multiple times without added wear and tear :).
Next, cut out the elements on the remaining pages.
A great way to have your little one help you is to have them cut some of the shapes/elements out! If they aren’t quite ready for safety scissors yet, you can always assist with hand over hand, cutting the straight lines only, finishing the remaining pieces on your own.
You can then laminate the pieces to give them extra durability. If you choose, you could also add stick-on velcro to each piece and onto the house, to stop the pieces from moving around. It also adds a bit of height to each piece to make them a bit easier to pick up. This is totally optional and up to your preference.
Your little one is now ready to play! Some tips to take advantage of some learning opportunities would be as followed:
- Keep the completed image of the house within your child’s vision so that they can refer to it. It also is a tool for you to point and refer to when giving directions.
- Use lots of descriptive vocabulary while building the house with your little one. If you are building vocabulary, you could label the items as you pass them to your child to add to their house. If you are working on propositions you could say things like “the fence is in front of the house!” or “the sun is on top of the house!”. You could also talk about the colours of the house or give them choices on the elements they are choosing. For example, “do you want the red door or the green door?”.
- When your child is finished, comment on their house by pointing out specific aspects that you like. You could say “I love the bricks you put on your house!”
- You could also add other elements like floral or animal stickers to the bushes on the window ledges or a character sticker on the pathway.
We hope you enjoy this activity! As always, feel free to share your child’s creations with us on Facebook and Instagram! We are always excited to see them!